Thursday, September 16, 2010

Please become a follower!

Please become a follower so you can check out the new stuff we are adding!!!

Items coming soon!

Items that we will have:

Hair bows and clippies
Dog Clothes and Accessories
Custom Names (wall hangers)
Burp cloths
Towels and wash Cloths
Hand made crocheted blankets
Diaper bags
Custom Onesies and Toddler shirts
Pillow Cases
Baby and Toddler Custom Shoes

More Items to come.....

Ideas and suggestions welcome!

Also, Pics to come!

Coming Soon....

Hello Everyone! My Name is Stephanie and I'm a new stay at home mommy. I have a gorgeous 4 month old little girl named Aubrey Reese whom I love more than anything in this world! I'm so glad that I'm able to stay home with her now full time. Quitting my job was pretty stressful not knowing how everything was going to turn out. I'm trying to find something to keep me occupied along with Miss Aubrey. I've always loved making things and trying to come up with new creative I'm finally going with it and seeing where it will take me. I know there are hundreds of boutiques now and tons of places you can get all the cutesy stuff for your children, but Aubrey Reese Boutique will offer affordable and beautiful items for you and your children.

I'm still working on some stuff and once I have my first items done I will post pictures and will starting working. If you have any ideas or suggestions please feel free to let me know. All ideas welcome!

Thank you,
Stephanie and Aubrey